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What defines us
Our team is still small but mighty.
We look forward to more teamers - just let us know if you're interested.


Renate Hirsch

The soul of children of the mountains

Ski instructor for over 20 years

Hiking guide at the SBV in training

Studied business administration and medicine, freelance journalist.

Preferably when traveling - Northern Norway is a dream.


Yannic, Alexander and Lotti

Our greatest treasure

We play and play and play

We love stories.

We love to be outside in the mountains and also at the lake and the sea.

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Marc Tobias

Mountain enthusiast and Renate's right hand

Be on the move

Get to know people and nature

15 years management consultant on all topics of innovation management

Business model development at Fraunhofer


Caroline Vittini

Social media and communication

Born in southern France, in Munich for 14 years, trained English teacher and health practitioner. I care deeply about people and I am passionate about nature, travels and the relationship between body, mind and soul. I look forward to experiencing lots of adventures with the Children of the Mountain!



Our Italian friend

At home in Liguria and Valais

With great pleasure at Dynamo Camp: Working with oncological children

Accompany our small company since the cradle

A ski instructor just as crazy as me



Your name could appear here in the future

your role

about you


Your name could appear here in the future

your role

about you


Your name could appear here in the future

your role

about you

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